Brown Sugar Boba Popsicles Recipe

If you consume bubble tea on a regular basis, you probably have boba on your mind all the time. I’m definitely guilty of this, which is why I’ve come up with a couple boba-inspired desserts including these amazingly wonderful popsicles. They are easily customizable, soft, delicious, and the most important aspect of this recipe is that they are definitely not too sweet! I find that is the biggest problem with store-bought boba popsicles. I love that you are able to reduce your sugar at most bubble tea stores, but boba popsicles are a one-size-fits-all, which is why I really wanted to attempt to make my own. Also, there’s something really satisfying and exciting about making your own popsicles from home.

The first few rounds of recipe testing took me quite a while to figure out to get the perfect size, texture, and process in creating boba popsicles. The first problem I faced was texture — my first batch had a very icy texture because it was lacking in fat and sugar, which help to create a smoother, chewier frozen good. The second problem I faced was the time it took to create the boba. I slimmed the process down from 1 hour to 20 minutes by not wasting time on rolling out each pearl. Also, through my recipe trials, I realized that the smaller the pearls were, the less likely they were to sink to the bottom of the popsicle mold, and the easier it would be to keep it dispersed evenly throughout the popsicle itself.

These are a great and easy treat to make, which can easily be made into matcha boba popsicles, or even milk tea. If you’re big fan of oolong, jasmine, or earl grey, you can easily use those to flavour your popsicles as well. Easy and delicious! The amount of sugar in each popsicle is enough to add to the texture to the pop, without overpowering the popsicle with sweetness. However, you do have the option of adding a little extra sugar for your own personal taste. Have fun and enjoy the process in creating these, and you’ll surely appreciate the outcome.

Brown Sugar Boba Popsicles

  • Difficulty: easy
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This recipe makes 10 popsicles.


For 10 Plain Brown Sugar Popsicles
340g (1-1/3 cup) half and half 10% cream
340g (1-1/3 cup) heavy 35% cream
200g (1 cup) white or brown sugar

For the Matcha Variation
18g (3 tbsp) matcha (can be changed according to taste)

For the Milk Tea Variation
6 tea bags (can be changed according to taste)

For the Boba Pearls
50g (1/3 cup) mochiko sweet rice flour
30g (2 tbsp) dark brown sugar, preferably muscovado or demerara
35g (2 tbsp + 1 tsp) hot water

For the Brown Sugar Syrup
50g (1/4 cup) dark brown sugar, preferably muscovado or demerara
30g (2 tbsp) water


  1. In a medium heatproof pitcher, heat up the half and half in the microwave (about 1-2 minutes on high), and add in the sugar, and flavourings (if using). Stir to dissolve the sugar and infuse the flavours. If using tea bags, allow to sit for 5-10 minutes to fully steep the tea before removing.
  2. Add the cream and stir. Refrigerate.
  3. In a small heatproof bowl, stir the brown sugar, rice flour, and hot water to form a paste.
  4. Scoop onto a clean work surface dusted with more rice flour or sweet potato flour. Flatten the dough carefully into a rectangle. Use a pizza cutter to slice the dough into small 1/4″ x 1/4″ squares.
  5. Fill a medium saucepan with water, and place onto the stove on high heat. Bring to a rolling boil. Once the water is boiling, add the boba squares in, stir until they begin to float, and allow to boil for 3-4 minutes to fully cook.
  6. Once floating and cooked, pour into a strainer to remove the water and set aside.
  7. In a separate small saucepan, bring the brown sugar and water to a rolling boil, and dump the cooked boba pearls into the syrup. Stir constantly on medium heat until the syrup forms a thick but slightly runny texture. About 2 minutes.
  8. Take off heat and begin assembling the popsicles by spooning teaspoons of brown sugar and boba along the edges of the popsicle molds. Use about half the boba pearls.
  9. Pour your popsicle base into each cavity, filling them about halfway. Carefully set into the freezer for about 2-3 hours or until set.
  10. Add in the remaining half of the boba pearls along the edge of the cavity molds. Pour in the rest of the popsicle base and fill to the tops. Add in the popsicle sticks, and carefully set into the freezer to chill for another 2-3 hours or overnight.
  11. When unmolding the fully frozen popsicles, take a clean popsicle stick or coffee stirrer, and wedge it into the edges of the cavities to loosen the popsicle before pulling it out.
  12. Enjoy!

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