
HI, hello, hi!! I’m Allysa (pronounced ah-lie-zah). I am a lover of all things related to baking and eating good food. I have a diploma in Baking & Pastry Arts Management and a certificate in Food Media where I learned about food styling, food photography, and food writing.

Ever since I was old enough to be in the kitchen, I could remember rolling out cookie dough before I was tall enough to even reach the table. I remember rushing home from elementary school to watch baking TV shows, and getting to bake with my mom on weekends. I have a background in art and design, which always leads me back to making art with food. When I was in school for Food Media, I started a youtube channel where I could post weekly recipes, tutorials and cake decorating videos. The videos slowly changed to document my life, food vlogs, travel vlogs, and personal events along with the recipes and tutorials. That has led me to separate “ally bakes” as a baker and youtuber, to “ally bakes TO” as a home-based cakery, and “ally saw” as a youtube channel.

Follow along for easy-to-follow recipes, dessert inspiration, and blog posts about my life journey!